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Getting Started With Video Marketing For Your B2B Brand

video marketing

The dynamics in the field of Content Marketing are evolving at a rapid pace. Earlier, Content Marketing referred to mostly traditional practices like article writing or whitepapers. While those practices are relevant to today’s audience, they are not enough to satiate their need for consuming content in various formats. People’s attention span has become shorter, and the internet is exploding with content, thus providing the audience with more choices than ever before. In this situation, the only way you can grab eyeballs is by standing out, revamping your Content Marketing Strategy, staying on top of industry trends and going where your audience is. And there is no better way to reach your audience than by providing them with the hottest form of content right now — video.

But the question is, how is video content relevant in the B2B Marketing space? Well, let’s find out!

Video Marketing as a Part of Your B2B Marketing Strategy

The idea that brands require Video Content to gain more visibility and generate leads is not new. But the magnitude of its importance has changed in the past few years. According to an article by HubSpot, Cisco projects that global internet traffic from videos will make up 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022. One primary concern that is felt when implementing marketing strategies is regarding the budget. Contrary to popular notions, Video Marketing does not always mean a high cost of production. All said and done; one can shoot high-quality videos on smartphones too! 

When it comes to the relevance of Video Content Marketing, we need to answer two crucial questions; why do we need it, and how do we implement it?

First Things First, Let’s Start With the Why. 

In a conversation with Shama Hyder for a Forbes magazine article, Brent Choudaba, CEO of Biteable, said that B2B Video Marketing is more relevant than ever before due to its accessibility and possibility of greater customization. Choudaba seems to be right as statistics from 2020 indicate that 85% of Video Marketers had seen an increase in their website traffic, and about 80% of marketers admitted to having seen a boost in their sales.

Now Let’s Tackle the Question; How To Approach Video Marketing? What to Include?

Repurpose Your Blog Into a Video

If you are a B2B marketer, you are sure to have a repository of old blogs that you created over the years. Well, that’s it then! All you have to do is take your old blogs, extract the key highlights, and make short videos with them. And there you go! A promotional video to redirect traffic to your blog and, in turn, your website. You can also post the video on your official YouTube channel to drive traffic.

Live Streaming

Live streaming is another great way to promote your brand. Depending on your traffic, you can live stream on Facebook, Instagram and now on LinkedIn as well. A new webinar is coming up? Want to discuss a live pole with your audience? Have new KPMG reports to draw insights from? All you need is your cellphone and a functional internet connection, and you have yourself some great, organic Video Content.

Promotional Video

You can use simple editing software and create promotional videos for the service that you provide. A well made promotional video can be very impactful.

Upload Your Webinar Content

If you have conducted a webinar in the past or are going to conduct one in the future,

all you have to do is record it in the Cloud and later post snippets of it with insights to go with an article or a service you are trying to promote.    

Video Testimonials 

Happy clients are indicative of the fact that your service is at par with their expectations. By posting testimonial videos of your clients, you will create a better connection with your prospects. The credibility that testimonials bring to the brand is precious. 


Have you started thinking about incorporating video marketing into your marketing plans? If not, it is high time to do so. As video marketing requires specialized skill sets, the best way to approach it is by teaming up with experts who can give you the proper guidance about it. Our team at Smarketers has years of experience and top of the line expertise when it comes to video content marketing and Inbound, in top-of-the-line along with other digital marketing services. To learn more about how you can effectively scale your current B2B marketing program, feel free to reach out to us here.

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